µServerless for Scala

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The µServerless package (pronounced micro-serverless) is a small collection of classes, traits and adapters to help you build distributed applications using AWS Lambda and scala.

µServerless has the following features:

  1. Handles exceptions and exception handlers to take actions when exception occur
  2. API Gateway has a special handler that to help you deal with Lambda Proxy Request and Responses
  3. SNS Handler that unpacks and deserialize the message
  4. Provides a trait to get configuration values or secrets from SSM Parameter Store
  5. Structured logging
  6. Error and Metric reporting is possible using the Overwatch app.

Overwatch this is a metric and error reporting application that configures general purpose infrastructure for all µServerless applications


Add the following to your SBT config:

libraryDependencies += "io.onema" %% "userverless-core" % "<LATEST_VERSION>"